The price alone may be heart-stopping. But when you add the cost of shipping onto the price you may need some medical care. Shipping sewing machines is not going to be that cheap. At least when you do the shipping you can add the cost into your purchase price.
How much does It cost to ship a sewing machine? A ballpark figure from the midwest to CA would be around $40 to $50. But shipping is not the only concern you have when it comes to sending your sewing machine across the country. The box you use has to be the right size and the packing material has to make sure the moving parts do not move during transit.
To learn about shipping a sewing machine to your buyer just continue to read our article. We look into the details so you have the right information to use when you need to ship a sewing machine to another state.
First off there is not going to be a one size fits all shipping price. There are a lot of factors involved when you have to ship a sewing machine to another person. Here are some of those factors:
It is very difficult to calculate the cheapest shipping method you can use to send a sewing machine to your buyer. As we have said, there are a lot of depends that factor into the calculations before getting a price comparison.
But there are some cheap methods you can try and talk to their offices to see how much they would charge you.
The only drawback is that they only accept and deliver packages at their terminals or stops along the way. You and your buyer would have to make the arrangements to and from their terminals. Call them to find u their rates.
The figure we have is only an estimate and for only half the country and that is between $40 to 50. Again you would have to contact your local post office for more details.
That is an estimate and your price may change due to the weight, size, and number of boxes you are sending.
They are going to have their calculations so it is best to talk directly to them.
**There is one thing to be wary about. The small print in your insurance may state that if you pack your sewing machine yourself, the insurance will be voided. Insurance companies can be fickle about minor details like that.
Packing and shipping an industrial sewing machine may not be as different as you would think. The key is going to be in the packing. You do not want it damaged during transit.
If the machine is large do not count on some of the other methods already discussed earlier. They may have a size and weight upper boundaries which means some industrial machines would only be able to go via freight companies.
As to who does the packing, you would have to talk to them about that. If you are a commercial company your professional packers may be acceptable to the insurance companies but again, don’t take our word for that. Talk to the insurance company you are using.
They all have different requirements including how it is to be packed. For example, FedEX is more likely to pay off on damage claims if their people did the packing. That may also be the case for freight companies.
Having the company do the packing may cost you a little more but it is worth it in the long run if something happens to the machine en-route to its destination. No matter what, you will need a good box, tough packing materials, and very good packing tape to make sure the sewing machine arrives in one piece.
Knowing how to pack a sewing machine will come in handy when you receive one. That knowledge will help you make a claim if there is something wrong with your machine when it arrives. You can spot the mistakes made and use those mistakes to support your claim.
The items you will need:
After you place the smaller box with your sewing machine inside, you add more styrofoam peanuts to make sure you have the machine where it cannot move at all.
Now that is just putting the machine into its boxes before you do all of that there are some other things you have to take care of. First, you have to remove moving parts that will continue to move when shipped.
Second, you need to fold up handles, levers, and other parts to make the sewing machine as small as possible. Bubble wrap any part that is exposed and cannot fold up, including moving parts that can be removed.
These pieces will go on top of the inner box so make sure to cover them with a thick layer of bubble wrap. When placing the inner box inside the larger one, put a layer of styrofoam peanuts about 8 inches thick on the floor of the larger box.
Then fill the sides and after that place your pieces. When all that is done, you top off the larger box with more styrofoam peanuts covering your parts.
There is still one more task to do before your sewing machine is ready to be shipped. You have to label it and keep the address very clear and easy to read. This can be done before or after you place the packing tape over the openings and sides.
There are a lot of companies who will gladly ship your sewing machine if you are willing to pay their cost. But not all shipping companies are the same nor can they be trusted to do a professional and careful job.
Forget those fly by night companies that will shave a few dollars off if you ship through them. Those are the ones that can’t be trusted. Their concern is how much money they will make and nothing else.
It is best to stick to brands that are well known. Even with freight companies, you will run into some shady operators so it is best to do a little research and find out who is the best and most reputable.
Greyhound is a very reputable way to ship a sewing machine. They are professionals and very reputable plus, they may have lower rates due to other revenue streams they get when operating their buses.
The same goes for the post office and UPS. Your most difficult decision in this area is making the decision and then trusting your sewing machine to that shipper. Do good research and make sure you get all your questions answered first before you agree. That all can be done by phone or your computer.
While you now know how to pack your sewing machine for your security and financial protection, let the pros pack it for you. That way you do not run the risk of losing your insurance coverage and you know the job will be done right.
That is the best way to ship your sewing machine. Keep yourself and your machine fully protected at all times until the buyer picks it up and signs for it.
It is difficult to provide actual figures for you to compare. The reason for that is that not every sewing machine is going to weigh the same nor are they all going to the same place.
Plus, there are so many different shipping companies to choose from and they all have their rates. The best advice we can give you is to get your boxes loosely packed and weigh them on a good scale.
That will give you a good idea of how much the weight will be within a couple of pounds or so. Don’t worry, the shipping company will weigh the box again to give you a more accurate cost.
Weighing it first will give you an idea of the total cost and you can prepare your payment. Do your research and pick the best company that will fit your budget and don’t forget you can pass the cost of shipping and handling on to your buyer.