Category Archives for Fabric Care


Does Cashmere Pill? (How to Prevent Cashmere Pilling)

The extremely soft wool commonly used in shawls, scarfs, cardigans, jumpers, and more, cashmere is an expensive animal fabric that is considered a luxury. The material gets its name from the species of

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Can You Bleach Chiffon? (How to Bleach a Chiffon Dress)

Get your whites white, that's usually the goal when people do their laundry. To help then get their clothes clean many people turn to chlorine bleach. Unfortunately, that cleaning liquid is not the best

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Can You Dye Chiffon? (How to Dye a Chiffon Dress Easily)

Not all materials can be dyed and if you are trying to get rid of that black color, give up before you start. That color cannot be covered by a new color tone.Can you dye chiffon? Yes, you can dye chiffon

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Can You Shrink Chiffon? (How to Shrink Chiffon Fabric)

If only your body would shrink as fast as some fabrics do. Then you could drop 6 pounds in a day or two and in time for your high school reunion. But unfortunately, bodies don't react to water as some

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Can You Wash Chiffon? (How to Wash Chiffon Dress or Blouse)

Keeping it clean. That is a hard task to do sometimes. When your kids are young, keeping their clothes clean is almost impossible. That is why some fabrics like chiffon are reserved for adult events and

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Can You Iron Chiffon? (How to Iron Chiffon Dress Easily)

Different fabrics, different cleaning techniques. Not all fabrics can handle ironing so make sure you check the cleaning label first before thinking you can iron your favorite blouse or dress. Some fabrics

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Does Cashmere Stretch With Wear? (How to Stretch Cashmere)

It happens to almost all fabrics. Wearing different fabrics tends to pull them out of shape and make them bigger. But that is the risk you take when you buy delicate fabrics. There are simple ways to get

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Does Cashmere Shrink? (How to Shrink a Cashmere Sweater)

Sometimes, when we buy a bigger/smaller size of clothing, we rely on the fabric's ability to shrink or stretch to fit us. Cashmere is an expensive clothing material and garments made out of this fabric

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Can You Iron Cashmere? How to Get Wrinkles Out of Cashmere

If you own a Cashmere garment or linen made out of the precious and fine textile, you will want to pay extra attention to how you can maintain its wardrobe shelf life.Afterall, Cashmere is an expensive

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What Happens When You Bleach Cashmere (Can You Bleach It?)

Bleach is a laundry savior. It handles a lot of tough stains and kicks their butt off of your favorite clothing items making them nice and clean. You look better and feel great when you wear beautiful

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