
Is Viscose Breathable in Hot Weather? (Helpful Guide)

Hot weather is returning soon. It pays to be ready and stock your wardrobe with clothes made from the right fabrics. Having the right selection of clothes handy should prevent you from enduring any difficult and embarrassing situations.

Is Viscose breathable in hot weather? Viscose, also known as Rayon, is made to be a very breathable fabric. Plus, it can absorb moisture under normal conditions that leave your body nice and cool throughout the day. It is a hot weather type of fabric.

To get all the facts about Viscose just continue to read our article. It pays to be informed so that you are ready for any situation or event that comes your way. Viscose has other qualities along with being breathable.

Does Viscose Let Your Skin Breathe?


Viscose is made from both natural and synthetic ingredients that help it be one of the better fabrics for you to wear. On hot summer days and nights, it is an excellent choice as it whisks both moisture and heat away.

Those actions are due to the breathable nature that is part of the Viscose material. The cloth is made to absorb excess moisture under normal conditions and helps keep heat away from your body so it remains the way you want it to be.

What makes Viscose so popular isn't only the breathing factor but is soft feel, excellent draping, and low price.

Does Viscose Breathe in Hot Weather?


That is another quality that Viscose fabric has. Its man-made design makes sure that the fabric breathes easily and keeps your body from overheating. On those very hot summer days or Indian Summer nights, that is a good fabric to have next to your skin.

What Viscose also does is allow you to wear other less breathable fabrics when it is not the winter season yet. A good viscose blend makes sure you can look good and stay nice and comfortable. This fabric allows you to alter your attire when it is Fall and still slightly warm.

That kind of flexibility provides you with some great fashion choices that should have heads spinning in your direction.

Does Viscose Breathe Like Cotton?


There has been some discussion on this debate and it is safe to say that the two fabrics have their own supporters. Some say that Viscose is as breathable as cotton while others say differently.

Viscose is not as strong as cotton is and it gets even weaker when it is wet. Then the cotton is a high maintenance fabric as it has its weaknesses that don't make it a great fabric to wear all the time.

Where Viscose most likely beats cotton is in the removing of the heat next to your body, its soft luxurious feel, and its ability to drape well. It remains to be seen if it is more breathable than cotton but some people say that it is.

It is a competition that is too close to call.

Is Viscose Good for Hot Weather


Yes, it is. In fact, this fabric is probably one of the best fabrics to wear when the thermometer starts to get too high on the scale. This material gives the cotton a good run for its money when the days get hotter.

Part of the reason for that is that Viscose was first designed to be a replacement for silk. Its construction imitates silk and lowers the cost of the soft clothing women like to wear. Its draping ability is probably second to none which makes the clothes made from this material very attractive and flattering to the body.

When you need to look good in the summer, but you also need to remain dry, cool, and show no sweat stains, this is the material you want to wear. It absorbs moisture and keeps those sweat stains from making an embarrassing appearance at the wrong time.

History of Viscose

Since it is a half synthetic fabric, Viscose has a trackable history that shows the development of the material into one of the more popular fabrics people like to wear

  • 1. In 1664 Robert Hooke theorized that man-made fibers could be spun to replace silk
  • 2. For over 200 years many men tried to prove that theory true but all were unsuccessful
  • ​3. In 1885, Frenchman George Audemars was finally successful in creating artificial silk-like fiber but his process was far too expensive in terms of both skill and cost
  • 4. It was in 1889, Hilaire de Berniguad was the first person to create viscose. The only problem was that it caught fire too easily
  • ​5. In 1891 Charles Frederick Cross and Edward John Bevan along with Clayton Beadle discovered what is called the Viscose process. They patented their process a year later and in 1893 they formed a business that granted licenses for use of that product
  • 6. In 1905 Courtaulds Ltd. USA made and sold the very first Viscose rayon material and it was called artificial silk.

Uses for Viscose

This popular fabric has a wide variety of uses. That versatility helps it be even more popular. Here are some of the uses for the material

  • Blouses
  • Suits
  • Sari clothes
  • Lingerie
  • Neckties
  • T-shirts & undershirts
  • Scarves
  • Bedding
  • Towels
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Drapes

While each version of Viscose products has different qualities and strengths, when it comes to clothes, hand washing is recommended. Check the labels for the exact cleaning instructions.

Some Final Words

When you want to remain cool, comfortable, and avoid a hot, sticky situation, just turn to clothes made from Viscose. These clothing items will help keep you cooler and make sure you make the best impression all the time.

The fabric absorbs moisture and helps protect against sweat stains so you can be confident when meeting clients or going on a romantic date. It is a very breathable fabric as well.

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