
Polyester vs Leather Difference: Is Polyester Like Leather?

Polyester for how it was made in the 70s and leather for the harm it brings animals. There is no clear winner here as you can’t win if you pick which one is best. No matter what one does, someone is going to be mad that you chose one fabric over the other.

Is polyester like leather? No matter what is done to polyester, it will never be like leather. While the former fabric can be manipulated in many ways, those man-made properties won’t match what leather has naturally. The makers of polyester try but leather is leather and it is hard to beat that standard.

To learn more about the differences between polyester and leather, just continue to read our article. It has the information you need to know about so you do not mistake fake or faux leather for the real thing. Nothing beats wearing the real thing and your body will thank you for it.

Is Polyester Like Leather?

No, at best all the makers of polyester can hope for is to mimic the qualities that leather has but man-made items can never be turned into the real thing. As you know and are probably tired of reading, polyester is made from petroleum products and acid.

Those original ingredients just do not match up with the way leather comes to us. Even in price polyester is not leather. The former fabric costs a lot less than leather will cost you and your cleaning bill will be a lot lower as well.

Those two factors alone have people choosing to wear polyester over leather even though it takes anywhere between 20 and 200 years for polyester to disappear in a landfill. Leather will biodegrade a lot quicker and won’t harm the environment when it does.

Where polyester may beat leather is in strength. Some polyester straps are said to be stronger than steel and those straps can’t be damaged by chemicals, alcohol, or oil. It also remains strong when it is wet, resists sunlight and cuts making it a tough material to destroy or ruin.

What is The Difference Between Polyester and Leather?

You may already know the difference between these two fabrics. It is not hard to see or find out about those differences. Just in case you forgot some details here is a quick comparison chart to remind you that polyester is not leather.

Category Leather Polyester
Origin Animal hides Petroleum products & chemicals
Uniqueness Every hide is different Nothing is unique about polyester
Cleaning Can be expensive to do Not expensive to clean
Upholstery Easy to clean unlike other leather products Cleans the same no matter what form it is made into
Durability Ages well becoming more comfortable over time Does not age well
Cost Can be very expensive Usually very inexpensive
Biodegradable Yes Not really
Softness Needs a breaking in period Can be very soft from the outset
Blends with other fabrics No Yes

The polyester fabric is a lot easier to make as well. To get real leather one has to kill, skin, and then treat the hide. These can take some time to get done and depends on what type of leather style you want. Sanding is involved in some of the different processes.

Polyester is quite easy to make and all a company needs is a vat, some oil. Some acid and time before polyester appears.

Does Polyester Feel Like Leather?


The answer to that question depends on how the polyester was made. When something is man-made it is not that difficult to make a fabric feel like a natural one. Almost. When the makers of polyester want to make that material feel like leather they provide it with a PU or polyurethane backing.

Polyester does not start out feeling like leather. Most people think it feels more like plastic or has an artificial feel to it no matter what is done to upgrade its texture. Then when the polyester material gets that PU backing, it does not stretch, breathe or wear as real leather does.

You may get a quality of polyester that feels and looks like leather but that is about the only positive characteristics of leather you will find in this material. Of course, this is the only one of the many polyester formats that feels somewhat like leather feels like.

It is difficult o match a natural feel using unnatural products. You will get close but as they say close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Is Polyester Better Than Leather?

In some ways, polyester can exceed the performance of leather but those roles are rare as leather is not made into the same types of objects as polyester can be made into. The versatility of polyester would be one of those roles where it exceeds what leather can do. The more applications a fabric has the better you can use it.

Leather can be made into straps like polyester can but its natural weaknesses do not allow that material to do the same jobs as polyester straps can do. The natural resources used to get leather material is not bested by the raw materials used to create polyester.

It is always better and healthier to have natural fabrics next to your skin than man-made ones. Then the cost is another area where polyester beats leather. There is a vast supply of polyester materials and a limited supply of wild animals. That fact makes the leather more expensive than polyester.

But over all, polyester really can’t beat the look, the feel, and the other natural attributes held by leather. Which is best here is a no-win situation as your damned if you wear leather because you are contributing to the harm of animals.

And you're damned if you switch to leather because you are helping to harm the environment. The best thing to do is where the fabric you like and do not tell anyone where it came from.

Polyester vs Faux Leather


This is sort of like comparing a green apple to a red one. They are both the same fruit just have a different color. One form of faux leather is actually polyester in disguise. You are going to have the same properties with a slight variation in both fabrics.

Sometimes, faux leather is made with cotton and other fabrics, it is generally made from the same petroleum products where polyester comes from. Both materials are low in breathing quality but high in retaining heat and keeping you warm.

Also, both materials are not good at stretching but resist pilling. Then they are used in a lot of clothing products and save you a lot of money. Both products are not that expensive usually and are in great supply.

Faux leather differs from real leather as it does not require the killing and skinning of animals to get the fabric. Then faux leather can be soft to the touch, water-resistant, and resists stains. It is also easier to clean than leather and should not cost you an arm and a leg to get the dirt and grime out.

Polyester vs Leather Couch

Sofa, couch, chesterfield, and other terms are all synonyms of each other and describe the same piece of furniture. When you are choosing a couch for your home selecting between a leather or a polyester one is not always easy. Both have their strong points and hold up well under normal treatment if given regular care.

One place where a polyester sofa will beat out a leather one is that it should not fade or degrade on you if left in the sun. This makes polyester a good material to cover your outdoor sofas.

But longevity is the issue here. Couches can be expensive to buy and even if you are saving some money buying a polyester covered couch, it doesn’t last that long. Polyester and faux leather sofas are known to crack after only a few years of use.

Whereas leather sofas can last up to 20 years if given the proper cleaning and care. Cleaning polyester sofas may be easy and all you need to do is look at the label to see which method can be used on that particular couch.

Polyester vs Leather Furniture


This is going to be the same situation as the difference between polyester and leather sofas. In both cases, you need to think long term as polyester is not as durable as leather and you could end up replacing the polyester furniture faster than the leather one.

Then if the polyester on your furniture is a smooth version, you will have a lot of trouble with snagging and possibly punctures in the fabric. If your pets are allowed on the furniture then expect their claws to do a lot of damage to the polyester fabric.

Again, the problem will be the expense. Polyester furniture may be able to be put outdoors but it may cost you more to replace as that type of furniture does not last as long as leather can. Then polyester does not like heat that much and you should keep heat sources away from the material.

Polyester melts and burns quite easily unlike leather. In the end, your choice of fabrics will depend on how you feel about animals and the environment. You are not going to win here no matter which decision you make so make sure you pick the fabric you like the best and find the most comfort.

Polyester vs Leather Jacket

There is no debate here. Leather jackets look better, they feel better and over time they become more comfortable. The more you wear them the softer and more pliable they become (depending o the leather version). Plus, leather jackets are tougher than polyester ones.

Yet, leather jackets are not perfect. They do not always provide the airflow you need to stay cool. Polyester ones usually come with a zipper so you can create your own airflow and remain cool. The leather jacket, when given a lining, is usually warmer than a polyester one.

You may find that the faux leather or polyester jacket may start to split on you before too long. Given the proper care, leather jackets should be with you for decades, even when you outgrow your leather-wearing stage. The obvious difference is n the cost but having something last you a long time is a better use of your money.

Initially, it is hard to tell the difference between the two fabrics but give it time and you will see the better qualities of leather.

Polyester vs Leather Wallet


This comparison still has the former style easier to clean and costing less than a leather wallet. But those differences are not enough to make the polyester wallet better than the leather one. If you want the wallet to last for many years, then go with leather. Polyester, even if it is strong, does not last as long as leather wallets will.

Then the leather wallet will be and feel softer than the polyester one. Plus, it has a smooth texture making it very easy to carry in your pocket. Since the material ages nicely, it will look as good when you toss it out as when you bought but in a graceful manner.

A polyester wallet won’t scratch as easily as leather will and you get a better color selection with this fabric over leather. But the polyester wallet takes about 50 years to degrade and disappear, which is one reason many people choose leather over this material when they want anew wallet.

What is Polyester Leather?

Basically, it is faux leather. This is a material that has been created to mimic leather much like rayon and viscose mimic both silk and cotton. It has the look and feel of leather and when both products are new, it is hard to tell them apart.

Once the polyester starts to age, it shows its differences from leather very easily. One of those differences is that this material doesn't last as long as leather does and has weaknesses that pets and children exploit daily, although accidentally.

But polyester is not the only fabric to make fake leather. Other fabrics can be given the same PU backing and be called faux leather. You just have to be careful when shopping and read all the labels before you make your purchase.

How Durable is Polyester Leather?


It can be very durable if given the proper care but even with that care, the material may not last as long as real leather given the same type of treatment. The weakness of polyester leather has it cracking after a few years of use in many cases. You may get lucky and have some that don't do that.

But if you have pets or small children, you may see your polyester leather get ruined before you would like. It is best if you can afford it, to stick with real leather as it is tougher in many situations than polyester leather can be.

Does Polyester Leather Peel?

The answer here is no and it is the bonded real leather that will peel on you if it is not treated very kindly. But that answer needs some qualifying in that it depends on the quality of the leather or the polyester leather.

Low-quality materials can easily peel no matter how good you take care of them. Wear and tear do take their toll. The process of peeling is called delaminating and it will happen at some point in time.

The bad news is if you see the bonded leather coming off the back of your ‘real leather sofa or other furniture, you are probably not covered by the warranty given at the time of purchase.

Is Polyester Leather Good?


That depends on you. If you want the look of real leather without the real leather price tag, then polyester leather is good. If you want top-quality, durability, and great looks, then polyester leather is not your go-to choice.

While polyester leather can be durable, you have to watch out for cracks, punctures, and other dangers that may harm this fabric. You get more work trying to keep the pets off the furniture than you would at your job when you own polyester leather furniture.

But you decide. We prefer all-natural materials over man-made ones.

Some Final Words

When it comes down to it polyester, faux leather, and other polyester products do have their place in society. It does help you save money and you can get comfortable and warm furniture and clothing or accessories.

But real leather can’t be beaten by polyester. It has that look that defines the material and makes it a cut above polyester. Your problem is you won’t win if you select either fabric.

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